FULL BODY WORKOUT
scientifically proven to assist weight loss and improve cardiovascular function.

Run in a fixed position while pulling your knees as high as possible with each step for 30seconds. Keep your upper body upright while doing this exercise.

          SIDE HOP
Stand on the floor, put your hands in front of you and hop from side to side for 30seconds

Stand with your feet shoulder wide apart and your arms stretched forward, then lower your body until your thighs are parallel with the floor.
  This works the thighs, hips, buttocks, quads, hamstrings and lower body. Do this 15reps.

          WALL PUSH-UPS
Stand in front of a wall, take one big step away from it. Put your hands out straight towards the wall and lean against it.
   Slowly bend your elbows and press your upper body towards the wall. Do it repeatedly 15reps.

         BUTT BRIDGE
Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Put your arms flat at your sides. Then lift your butt up and down 12reps.

Stand on all four with your knees under your butt and your hands under your shoulders.
Then, lift your right leg to the side at at an angle of 90 degree. Do it repeatedly 15 reps change to the other leg.

Lie down on your stomach and bend your elbows with your hands beneath your shoulders.
   Push your chest up off the ground as far as possible. Hold this position for 30seconds.

    Lie on the floor with your legs extended. Lift he left knee up and grab it with both hands.
    Pull your left knee towards your chest as much as you can while keeping your right leg straight on the ground. Hold this position for 30seconds and switch over to the other knee.

                             Today's tip

If you are busy with work, take 15minutes everyday to go up and down the stairs. The Center for Disease Control says that you can lose at least 10pounds every year by going up and down the stairs for 15minutes everyday with the same amount of food intake.
Jude Aghwaremre.
