Motivational article to start your workout day.


If you want to live a life of complete success, happiness and fulfillment then you must find your purpose. If you dont know what your purpose is, if you dont know what drives you, what inspires you, then you have no reason to improve your life.
 Your purpose is something that always light the fire in you. I must do this, my family, friends are counting on me. I am counting on me. Write down your purpose.
 Why do you do what you do?
Why do you exist? Is it for yourself or for the people who needs you. Or is it for the people who took care of you. Your 'why' shouldn't be because of you. It should be for the people who needs you.
 Lot of people will tell you not to fight for your dream because they did not have the power to fight for theirs.
to be continued
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