#seriously Continuation... If you only have 24hours in a day, your success is depended upon how you see the 24. You have to hear me on this. People talk about Arnold Schwarzenegger, Phil Health, Dwanye Johnson... Listen to me, I dont care how much time you train. You only get 24hours in a day. And the difference between Dwayne Johnson and the person that's not getting result is Dwayne uses his 24hours wisely. That's it, listen to me. You only get 24 I don't care if you are broke, you grew up broke, I don't care if you grew up rich, I don't care if you are in college, you're not in college, you only get 24hours. Some people talk about getting the best workout or why, how they should improve themselves. You gat only 24. I turned my depression into building myself..... to be continued... #judeteefitness #yougat24 #motivated